v gozd lahko s seboj vzamemo...
Didactic programs of forest pedagogy
intended for classrooms in the forest in the interior
In the educational material, you will find ideas for implementing forest pedagogy activities with an emphasis on wood, which is used in various ways in Notranjska, and information on the importance of sustainable management of natural resources.
A handbook for ... for everyone who wants to know more about wood and the forest.
Forests and forestry in Slovenia
– teaching materials for primary and secondary schools
In the extensive presentation, you can find information and various materials about Slovenian forests and their management, and in addition, useful links to video content, posters and other content that are important from the point of view of forests are added - of course, there is also forest pedagogy 😊.
If you need additional explanation of any of the slides, you can contact us:gozdeksperimentov@gmail.com.
Šopek dišečih gozdnih jagod ali pest borovnic? Pečen pravi kostanj? Gobovo juho ali le z medom namazan kruh?
Medtem ko cedite sline, si oglejte gradivo izobraževalnega seminarja z aktivnostmi gozdne pedagogike »Nekaj zdravega, sladkega in užitnega iz gozda«, ki je bil izveden pod Rožnikom v 2019.
V gradivu boste našli ideje in didaktične programe za izvedbo aktivnosti v naravi s pridihom cerkljanske kulture in trajnostnega gospodarjenja z naravnimi viri.
Knjiga predstavlja gozd kot učilnico na prostem in je namenjena vsem, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z vzgojo in izobraževanjem otrok. Več
Ko greš v gozd, ne pozabi na gozdni bonton - naj bo obisk gozda prijeten tako zate kot tudi za gozd.

Slovenia is one of the most forested countries in Europe, it ranks 3rd, forests cover 57.7% of the country's total surface, represent a unique natural heritage and play an ecological, productive and social role for all of humanity. Nowadays, the forest has a different meaning in the everyday life of an individual than it did 100 years ago.
The basic principle, knowledge and values have remained and in today's too fast and too superficial world they provide a good basis for learning and living with nature, the development of the rural environment.
With the activities of forest pedagogy, together with our professional partner the Forestry Institute of Slovenia, which is a public research institute of national importance, we will design and prepare educational programs for various target groups through"classrooms in the forest" in the area of the municipalities of Cerknica, Bloke, Loška dolina, and conducted training for local interpreters/guides and pedagogical workers of inner primary schools. At selected locations in the forest area, we will design and pilot half-day programs aimed at education about the importance of forests for us and our descendants (with a special module Education and training for the sustainable development of society). We will combine the activities and results into a new experiential, sustainable product for learning about Notranjska, which will be linked to existing services that already include nature and forest content.

Slovenia is one of the most forested countries in Europe, it ranks 3rd, forests cover 57.7% of the country's total surface, represent a unique natural heritage and play an ecological, productive and social role for all of humanity. Nowadays, the forest has a different meaning in the everyday life of an individual than it did 100 years ago.
The basic principle, knowledge and values have remained and in today's too fast and too superficial world they provide a good basis for learning and living with nature, the development of the rural environment.
With the activities of forest pedagogy, together with our professional partner the Forestry Institute of Slovenia, which is a public research institute of national importance, we will design and prepare educational programs for various target groups through"classrooms in the forest" in the area of the municipalities of Cerknica, Bloke, Loška dolina, and conducted training for local interpreters/guides and pedagogical workers of inner primary schools. At selected locations in the forest area, we will design and pilot half-day programs aimed at education about the importance of forests for us and our descendants (with a special module Education and training for the sustainable development of society). We will combine the activities and results into a new experiential, sustainable product for learning about Notranjska, which will be linked to existing services that already include nature and forest content.
Green Learning Environments
Naravna okolja spodbujajo učenje in razvoj otrok s posebnimi potrebami!
V Erasmus+ projektu sodeluje celo 10 partnerjev z ciljem razvoja, testiranja i promocije inovativnega učnega materiala in metod za pridobivanje osnovnih življenjskih veščin v kontaktu z naravnim okoljem. Naravna okolja so za otroke s posebnimi potrebami ena najbolj primernih okolij za učenje. Raziskave kažejo, da je učenje otrok v okoljih, kot so gozd ali park učinkovitejše, saj v teh okoljih otroci lažje usmerjajo pozornost. Ta ugotovitev še posebej velja za otroke, ki obiskujejo program z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom in posebni program, ki imajo težave v intelektualnem razvoju ali za otroke s soobstojem več težav. Kot so težave na intelektualnem področju v kombinaciji z motnjami pozornosti in koncentracije ali motnje na avtističnem spektru. Učitelji priporočajo poučevanje na prostem za izboljšanje splošnih veščin otrok, kot so motorične spretnosti, sodelovanje, ocenjevanje in obvladovanje tveganja, orientacija in ustvarjalnost. Rezultat projekta bodo učni načrti, didaktična gradiva, metode in priporočila za razvoj veščin v naravi. Projekt prav tako pomeni dodaten korak k vključevanju otrok v vzgojno – izobraževalni sistem in k integraciji v družbo.

Projekt je namenjen podpori dolgoročnega ohranjanja prilagodljivosti dreves na spremembe v okolju z razvojem sistema za genetski monitoring gozdov. Pri projektu, ki poteka od 2014 do 2020, sodeluje 6 partnerjev iz 3 evropskih držav (Nemčija, Grčija in Slovenija). Osrednji rezultat projekta bo priročnik za gozdni genetski monitoring, ki bo dal odločevalcem, strokovnjakom in drugim vsa potrebna znanja in orodja za vpeljavo gozdnega genetskega monitoringa in posledično omogočil njegovo realizacijo. Strategija projekta LIFEGENMON je usmerjena na dvig ravni znanja različnih ciljnih skupin o gozdovih, gozdarstvu, gozdni genetiki in podnebnih spremembah. Velik del projekta predstavljajo aktivnosti za otroke in njihove učitelje. Eden izmed rezultatov projekta je in Priročnik za igro in učenje v gozdu.

Life+ projekt ManFor C.BD je bil namenjen presoji kazalnikov trajnostnega večnamenskega gospodarjenja z gozdovi. Izvajal ga Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije skupaj s partnerji iz Italije.

Namen projekta GoForMura je bil proučiti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na habitatne tipe in pridobiti več informacij o stanju populacij izbranih vrst dvoživk, hroščev, bobra ter vidre na več lokacijah ob Muri.
Useful links
Organizacije, s katerimi sodelujemo:
Strani za gozdno pedagogiko:
Druge uporabne publikacije:
Velike zveri - Ekologija ter sobivanje z njimi - priročnik o velikih zvereh za učitelje (BF, Oddelek za biologijo, Ana Pšeničnik, Petra Štajdohar, Iztok Tomažič)